Blog Post

August 72017

portable intel stick pc graphizona blogs

"The best portable computer system that you can carry anywhere"
A stick pc is also known as a PC on a stick, is a one-board computer system. The system is place in a small casing that resembles as a stick. This device can be plugged directly on an HDMI port of any device. This device has it’s very own CPU or processing chip that is fully independent and doesn’t require any other computer system to function. It can easily be connected to any display device that has a HDMI port built-in, such as Monitor, television set, etc.
  One such single-board computer device is Intel Computer Stick, that has been designed by Intel. This stick-PC is designed be way smaller than the regular computer systems or desktops but having almost the same level of performance. The main connector for this stick device is HDMI port 1.4, and also have full support for a set of Bluetooth-based mouse and keyboard, to interact with the stick computer system. intel computer stick graphizona
  This device was first launched in the starting of the year 2015, with the Atom Z3735F processor with lesser power consumption capability. This device was compatible for tablet and mini-computer systems with a clock speed of 1.33 GHz processor speed and a maximum support of 2GB ram.

The development process continued and several versions of this stick-pc were released. The following list depicts the same –

6) STK2M364CC
7) STK2M3W64CC
9) STK1A32SC

intel stick pc versions graphizona
The second generation of intel stick-pc were introduced in mid of year 2015. Then, in the year of 2016, Intel produced Intel Compute Stick was recognized as one of the best Stick PCs, based on x86 architecture.
Intel is keeping on upgrading their Stick PC technology, with the best suited set of processors to enhance and upgrade the level of performance of these Stick-based computer systems. The processor and CPU chips are being upgraded for the improved quality and high-performances.

Written By Subrata Debnath
subrata debnath blogger graphizona blogs

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