Mother Box : World’s First True Wireless Charger

October 52017

motherbox worlds first true wireless charger graphizona

"No need to worry for extra charging ports"
Wireless charging is also known as the inductive charging uses the electro-magnetic field technology for transferring energy from one point to another, generally between objects. This technique uses a charging station from which the energy is transferred through an inductive coupling to any electronic device that have the capability of chargeable batteries.

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Recently, in the year of 2017, a company named Resorant has taken the inductive or wireless charging technology further by developing their very own true wireless charger. This wireless charger has been named the Mother-Box. This wireless charges doesn’t demand your phone or electronic device to be placed in close range with the charger, rather it has the capability of charging the devices upto a range of around 700cm.

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Wireless chargers generally makes use of an induction coil on the charger end for creating an alternating Electro-magnetic field up-to a particular radius and another set of induction coil is connected with the consuming re-chargeable device that converts these electro-magnetic field energy into electric current for the device to be able to charge it’s power source. Just place the mother-box on a power point, attach the mother-box receiver to the device that needs charging, and install the mother-box mobile application to get started, and that’s all, your device will start charging up.

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There are a lot of improved applications of this mother-box device, while some of the most highlighted ones are being listed as follows –
1) Free movement – The devices doesn’t need to be placed point-to-point with the mother-box.
2) Power on demand – Can be placed and set-up anywhere needed by the users.
3) Multiple devices – Can charge multiple devices at the same point of time.
4) Compatibility – Can charge almost all sorts of devices ranging from android to the iOS.
5) Adaptability – Is available in multiple sizes that properly suits the users requirements, small or big size variants.
6) Barrier free – No obstruction or hindrance is created by any solid opaque objects or barriers.

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The capability of this system is far beyond the wireless chargers being developed before this product by Resorant. It not only have the capability to charge the devices at a wider range, but also have the potential of charging them even through any solid material. With all these features, the company has been able to maintain the radiation levels and have made it completely safe to use for the military or high levelled personals, as well as the regular users to ease-up their daily hassle of charging their electronic devices through wired chargers.

charging with wirless charger motherbox graphizona
With time, gadgets like the mother-box have been developed that can be used to charge numerous number of devices at the same time, and upto a very wide range. Many new technological developments and researches are underway that can improve this technology, in a more beneficial way for the regular users for utilization. The company itself is looking forward for ways of improving their product’s capabilities in the near future.

Written By Sumant Bag
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